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News Brief

July 30, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: Whitnee Ice

Northwest recognized as military friendly school for 8th consecutive year

Northwest Missouri State University is once again recognized as a military friendly school. Assistant director of Northwest's School of Health Science and Wellness, Dr. Tyler Tapps, says this is the eighth consecutive year for the honor.

"Well, being a military friendly school is very important because it demonstrates the fact that the faculty, the staff, and all of the support here help to support veterans, students and the veteran faculty by providing innovative, interesting ways  in which they can achieve their academic success."

Tapps says Northwest strives to be aware of the needs of veterans as they come to the Maryville campus.

"Something that I think is very important is that we have a group of people that get together and talk about veteran issues and trends and how we can be more accommodating to veterans looking to come to school.  I think the biggest piece Northwest wants them to know is that we try to go out of our way to be as accommodating as possible to veterans, whether they're students or current veterans that are staff or faculty to help them feel welcome, help provide resources that more align to veteran needs."

Tapps adds, being a veteran himself, helps him understand what they are going through in seeking their degree.

"From a veteran's perspective, you really want that process to be as clean, understandable, simple.  And one of the things that makes us a military friendly school is that we work really hard to try to constantly make sure that we are achieving that for our veteran students.  Being a faculty member now on this side and having veterans in class and kind of talking to other faculty who are veterans or who are currently serving and working through the Show Me Gold Program on campus, it's exciting to see people put some passion behind caring for those individuals."